Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nice Aquatic Weed photos

A couple of good Aquatic Weed photographs I found:

Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms

Graphic by Ahmad Fuad Morad

Jeniang, Kedah, Malaysia.

Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. Pontederiaceae. CN: [Malay - Keladi bunting, Kambling telur, Bunga jamban], Lilac devil, Drinking water hyacinth. Native to Northern South The united states (French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, Brazil). Extensively naturalized in tropics and subtropics. Ornamental, Soil improver (green manure). Plants perennial , typically totally free-floating. Vegetative stems condensed, apart from when branching. Flowering stems erect , bending more than following flowering, to 25 cm, distal internode considerably less than 4 cm. Sessile leaves in basal rosette. Very prolific growth and the dense mat-like floating vegetation contributed to clogged drains, waterways and rivers. Probably the most intense aquatic weed ever known in the tropics. Eradication of filariasis was also claimed hindered by this plant thanks to the ability of the Mansonia mosquito larvae to breathe via the spongy ethereal roots.

Pontederia crassipes Mart.
Eichhornia speciosa Kunth [Illegitimate]
Piaropus crassipes (Mart.) Raf.
Eichhornia cordifolia Gand. [Illegitimate]
Eichhornia crassicaulis Schltdl.
Eichhornia crassicaulis Schlecht.
Heteranthera formosa Miq.

Ref. &amp suggested reading:

FRIM Flora Database

Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Malaysia

Nice Aquatic Weed photos

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