Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Water Hyacinth

A handful of wonderful Water Hyacinth photos I identified:

Water Hyacinth

Picture by sandeep thukral

This is a near up of hyacinth in the river Yamuna, the river that is the main source of drinking drinking water of significant metropolitan areas in North India, such as Delhi and Agra.

The hyacinth appears excellent from the close up, but only I know how challenging it was to stand the stink it makes. The inset displays a much broader view of the place.

The Yamuna is dying, and we are strangling it more challenging working day after working day. When will we end destroying character?

Kalindi Kunj [?]

Widespread Water Hyacinth/Drinking water Hyacinth–布袋蓮02

Impression by jennyhsu47

29, Jun, 08, Modest park, Taipei

學名:Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms / Pontederia crassipes Mart. 雨久花科(Pontederiaceae)布袋蓮屬(Eichhornia) Natie: Brazil 用途:1.食用:ㄅ.將嫩葉之葉片及葉柄洗淨後蒸食,或燙熟後蘸調味料食用。 ㄆ.花可油炸或炒食。2.藥用:花和葉都可煮食,可治療高血壓。性味:全草:淡、涼。效用:全草:清熱解毒,除濕袪風,利尿消腫。治中暑煩渴,腎炎水腫,小便不利,高血壓;外敷熱瘡。特性:多年生草本,漂浮水面或生於泥地,根系發達,新根常呈藍紫色,以莖為主體,所有的根、葉、花均由莖上長出;具有走莖構造,可藉由走莖繁殖新的植株;葉根生,葉柄外形多變,長5-50公分,生於泥地者長而瘦,浮於水面者則葉柄常膨大如氣囊狀;花期夏至秋季,總狀花序有花約15朵,花萼3片,狹橢圓形,淡紫色,花瓣亦3片,稍大於花萼,其中一枚有眼狀斑紋,花數眾多,但結果率不高。

‧更多資料: 搜尋 布袋蓮

Water Hyacinth

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